
Mom (in the AM, before breakfast): "Sweater? It is cold?" C: "No. I want a blanket." C wraps around herself, shuffles around and says: "You have done well young Padawan, you have done well." 9/8/12
C: "A great teacher would remove the word 'impossible' from the classroom dictionaries." [Why?] "Because nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it."
Mom, lost in a park near their house, "I can't find a trail." C: "Lets blaze one!"
C: "Steph-anne Hawkins is not as smart as Einstein because Albert Einstein could do quantum physics and quantum mechanics in his head, while Steph-anne Hawkins, with all due respect, can only do physics. No offense to Steph-anne Hawkins, partially because he is the smartest man alive." Mom (in all seriousness, and remember that she is a regular reader of Scientific American): "What is quantum mechanics?" C: "It is how particles move." 9/26/11

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Planet Milbert

C developed a new alter ego while making videos with other Girl Scouts. It is "Milbert" due to her new last name received on her 10th birthday: "Miller Gilbert." Milbert is a fearless surfer (see above) and generally giggles instead of talks.

She is looking forward to far more fun adventures in 2013! She says her prayers every night to give love out to all her family and friends, and this includes friends from all the way back to 1st grade (Ray Ray and Syd). Milbert is a wonderful, delightful little person. (crosslinked from http://planetgilbert.blogspot.com/)

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